Cosmetic and Custom Colored Contact Lenses
Colored lenses are available in almost every prescription, including ASTIGMATISM and MULTIFOCALS!
Special Effect lenses for Film industries

Halloween special effect lenses

“We might be called Crazy Lenses, but that only applies to the range of weird and wonderful contact lenses that we have! We are really big on safety as this is so important when wearing color contacts.”
Whether you are trying to put together the perfect Halloween costume, wearing a costume for another reason, or simply want to change your look, we have many different options available! Lenses are available in single use disposables, monthly and yearly replacements.
All of our contact lenses, whether they are prescription or non-prescription are manufactured with quality materials and dyes. Any lenses prescribed in our clinic will be Health Canada approved and be fitted by a Contact Lens Licensed Optician. All wearers will be provided with training on safe application and removal, instructions on how to safely clean and store the lenses, as well as full contact lens assessments.

I do believe we should lick the bowl too!
I just don’t think we should do it when the blender is still on!
Have fun…but do it safely.”